
“Time is Realisation’s best friend” ~ I.B. Das

Cintamani – descent of the sacred reality

Cintamani – Descent of the Divine Reality 2015 Myocum Earth, Vrindavan dust, acrylic, faux gold leaf and brass on plywood 2030 x 800 x 800 mm This work, Cintamani – descent of the sacred reality, is a study for large scale installation works. These installations seek to transform a space with simple shapes that utilise […]

The Embrace

“Karma is embraced as love by Bhakti ~ I.B. Das

Seven Up

Once in Vrindavan My spiritual master was drinking soft drink and joking with his devotees. Counting his fingers Like you do when you chant the Gayatri Mantra. “Maha Jana Tapa Satya, Seven up” We all laughed as he was referring to going beyond the upper planetary systems of the Vedic cosmology and entering the realm of […]

Krishna Hey!

matta-simha-praya prabhu karila gamana premavese yaya kari’ nama-sankirtana   Almost like a mad lion, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went on His tour filled with ecstatic love and performing sankirtana, chanting Krishna’s names as follows. The Lord chanted: Krishna! Krishna! Krishna! Krishna! Krishna! Krishna! Krishna! he Krishna! Krishna! Krishna! Krishna! Krishna! Krishna! Krishna! he Krishna! Krishna! […]

Kaboom Krishna

Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Saraswatī Ṭhākur once instructed a disciple at the time of initiation into the Hare Krishna mantra that Krishna should be allowed to land in our hearts, just as an army is landed by the navy. An army is carried by a ship, and when they have landed, the fight begins, and they capture […]

Reality the Beautiful

rādhā kṛṣṇa-praṇaya-vikṛtir hlādinī śaktir asmād ekātmānāv api bhuvi purā deha-bhedaṁ gatau tau caitanyākhyaṁ prakaṭam adhunā tad-dvayaṁ caikyam āptaṁ rādhā-bhāva-dyuti-suvalitaṁ naumi kṛṣṇa-svarūpam Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi-līlā 1.5 Sometimes Rādhā and Krishna are combined; sometimes They are separate. They are separate in Dvāpara-yuga, and in Kali-yuga they are combined as Śrī Krishna Chaitanya Mahāprabhu. Both are eternal expressions of […]

The One

yo māḿ paśyati sarvatrasarvaḿ ca mayi paśyati tasyāhaḿ na praṇaśyāmi sa ca me na praṇaśyati For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me. ~ Śrīmad Bhagavad gītā 6.30


“My Metanarrative is bigger than your Metanarrative” I.B Das

Beauty for Love’s Sake

apāraṁ kasyāpi praṇayi-jana-vṛndasya kutukī rasa-stomaṁ hṛtvā madhuram upabhoktuṁkam api yaḥ rucaṁ svām āvavre dyutim iha tadīyāṁ prakaṭayan sa devaś caitanyākṛtir atitarāṁ naḥ kṛpayatu “Lord Kṛṣṇa desired to taste the limitless nectarean mellows of the love possessed by one of His multitude of loving damsels – Śrīmatī Rādhārānī – , and so He has assumed the form […]