Progression and Conceptual Adjustment

Seva – service, dedication, is the summum bonum of the teachings of the Vaisnava school, the third plane of life where every unit is a dedicating member in an organic whole. In such a normal adjustment, everyone mutually assists one another in their service to the center, the higher recipient, the highest entity.

~ Swami B.R Sridhar

I saw this graphic being posted on social media  around the web and thought it needed some adjustment to show the path to a perfect relationship within the ecosystem.

Seva is a role that can only be performed with a relationship of love and humility to all entities in the environment. Not an attempt to be the master of matter and biology but as a servant of beauty, kindness, love and charm.

Karmma and sevā, action and divine service, are identical from the external perspective. Bhakti-yoga and karmma-yoga are the same apart from one thing—and that is the inner mood of the practitioner. The inner intention is the all-important, differentiating factor.

~ Swami B.R Sridhar

Update 2022 Everything is a Remix:

It is an interesting experience seeing the digital meme culture play out over time.  This graphic sometimes pops up randomly in my social feed, sometime credited to myself and sometimes not.
It made me do some research to the original work is was made by the architect and urban designer Steffan Lehmann in 2010.

Unfortunately search engines do not sort by timestamp of creation, so the evolution of derivatives cannot be traced.