The Cultural Warfare of the Divine Form, is a subset narrative deep in deconstruction of worldviews where few manage to gain the consciousness to unlock. Here the game plays out with the portrayal of the pastime of krishna sucking the breast milk of the witch Putana. It is an intense form of cultural appropriation and reverse colonialism, using the classic icon of the Madonna and Child by Leonardo Da Vinci, where the child is transformed into Śrī Krishna and establishing the personality of Madonna as Putana
~ Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam – Tenth Canto ,Chapter Six, Verse Nine
The deeper conceptual ideas behind this image is from an article in the Śrī Krishna Saṁhitā where Śrīla, Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākur explains significance of the personality of Putana.
~Śrīla, Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākur
Reading this article had a significant affect upon me, and I am still grasping to understand it’s full implications in the historical development of theistic and conceptual culture.